The SlimeZistor is a relaxation oscillator which uses an LM358P op amp to charge and discharge a capacitor through some sample which is connected to the two probe wires. The schematic is as follows, and should be copied and pasted on the bottom of each unit:

These are the kit parts:

Here are links to buy the parts from amazon(enough for about 50 units for about 40 dollars):

$90 Digikey cart link with part set for 100 units

The circuit board is a 1x2 inch rectangle cut out of thin cardboard like a cereal box:

Remove pins 1,2, and 3 of the 8 pin IC:

Assemble as follows, with 0.1 uF capacitor to the far left, then 1 uF and then the two to the far right which are horizontal are the 10 uF capacitors:

This is a 5x blowup of the board, with parts labeled. Replicate this as a tool for replication to carry with you as you replicate the set:

An array can also be cut out using a laser cutter with the following .svg file(cut out a 4 inch square of this, with the blue layer as raster and black layer as cut):

Here is an .svg of just one board:

This is what the bottom looks like after full assembly:

The enclosure is made from 4 squares each 4x4 inches in size cut from corrugated cardboard using the tools of Geometron:

Stack and glue with Elmer's glue or wheat paste:

Second layer:

Add the circuit board to the box before adding the lid:

Full assembly with lid and rubber bands:

Fully assembled system with speaker connected to audio output and a solar panel connected to the USB power: